Электронный научный журнал Педагогического колледжа №18 "Митино"
Электронный научный журнал
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Педагогические науки
The use of electronic educational resources in the learning process in order to provide quality training for future specialists in the modern educational space of institutions of secondary vocational education
Glukhova Larisa Evgenievna 1

1. GPOU «Kemerovo Pedagogical College»


the article discusses the classification criteria, the purpose of using electronic educational resources in the educational process, identifies the problem of rational use of electronic educational resources in the learning process in order to provide quality training for future specialists in the modern educational space within the framework of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education.

Keywords: electronic educational resources, information and communication technologies, the learning process, educational space, the quality of training, the federal state educational standard, secondary vocational education.

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